I can't seem to stop playing Hearthstone. Twitch.com is running an ad for the Open Beta and it flashes the words "Deceptively Simple. Insanely Fun." Uh, YA!! Insane being the keyword there for how much I'm playing it.
The Angry Chicken, a Podcast that discusses Hearthstone, has conversed numerous times about possible future Heroes and their respective Hero Powers (HPs). Willie Dills, one of the hosts, had said a few months back that simply sliding around some of the other HPs for the new Heroes. An example would be giving the current Priest HP (Heal any character for 2 Health) to a different class, say Shaman--and giving it a different name, animation, etc. I thought about this, and so did the Podcast hosts, and recently come to find both they and myself agree that doing this shift of HPs would break the balance of the game incredibly. That got me to thinking about ways to slightly change each HP to make it new and interesting, yet keep the balance.
The current Hunter Hero is Rexxar. In the lore of Warcraft he is known as The Beastmaster--emphasis on "The." His HP is Steady Shot (Deal 2 damage to the enemy Hero). In lore, there are a few hunters that come about from time to time, but there really is only one other that deserves a place as a Hearthstone Hero. That would be Sylvanas Windrunner. True, there is already a minion with Sylvanas' portrayal, but really, who better? Sylvanas, being the Banshee Queen, a reanimated High Elf with Dark Ranger type powers should have a Dark Ranger type HP. I thought of this:
Black Arrow: Deal 1 damage to the enemy Hero and heal Sylvanas for 1.
I feel the balance is still there. After using Steady Shot, Rexxar is given a +2 advantage to his health. Black Arrow would yield the same advantage, but have what we're looking for: a new and interesting twist on the old HP.
Gul'dan, the Warlock hero, currently has the HP Life Tap (Deal 2 damage to Gul'dan and draw a card). I can't think who within the Warcraft lore would be a good fit for the next Hero, but in keeping with the sacrificing life theme I thought of this:
Sacrifice Minion: Deal 2 damage to a friendly minion, draw a card.
Is the balance still there? I'm not really sure. Another idea was to have the option of dealing 2 damage to a friendly minion or giving 2 health to an enemy minion. Either could work.
This one is tough, not in the sense of changing the HP, but manipulating the effect of the HP. Thrall, the Shaman hero, has Totemic Call (Summon 1 of 4 random totems). Each of these four totems fall under the classic Shaman elements: Stoneclaw Totem (Earth), Wrath of Air, Searing Totem(Fire), and Healing Stream Totem(Water). The Earth totem is a Taunt. There are a few famous Shaman in the Warcraft lore, but Thrall being an Orc, I feel for a new Shaman Hero, Blizzard should look at the other faction. Nobundo. His HP would be the same, but have a new set of totems randomly selected.
Strength of Earth Totem: 0/2 Grant all Elemental minions +2 attack.
Windfury Totem: 0/2 Grants Nobundo Windfury.
Mana Stream Totem: 0/2 At the start of your turn, replenish one Overloaded Mana Gem.
Fire Nova Totem: 2/3 Taunt. Can't Attack. At the end of each turn lose 1/1. When this totem is destroyed, deal its attack power to all enemy minions.
Another option for the Windfury Totem: 0/1 At the end of your turn grant a random friendly minion Windfury
In the interest of keeping this post short, I'll stop there. Some of the ideas for the other Heroes would have to implement new and interesting mechanics to the game itself. I might post about those ideas in the future, but I feel these three are probably my strongest.