Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Hearthstone - Class Legendaries I Would Love to See

With the announcement of the eventual announcement that Hearthstone will have an expansion containing "over 100 new cards", I couldn't help myself thinking of new cards I would love to see. My first thought was the fact that, currently, each class has a specific Legendary card with a theme related to the flavor of that card's class. The idea of new Legendary Class Cards has been going through my brain for the past few weeks, so I just had to get them out and into the ether. The card text of the following examples are really what I would love to see, so ignore the Mana to Stats ratio as I'm sure they would need some balancing; they're just what I came up with. Enjoy:

Warrior: General Nazgrim
- 9 Mana 5/10 Taunt
- Battlecry: Deal 3 damage to the enemy hero, and up to 3 enemy minions in the center of the board.
- Spinning Axe Animation in front of the enemy hero

Rogue: Garona Halforcen
- 7 Mana 3/7 Stealth
- Combo: Place an Assassinate in your hand. OR
- Combo: Destroy an enemy minion. (Animated dagger coming through the back of the minion) OR
- Combo: Deal 5 damage to the enemy hero. (Animated dagger coming through the back of the hero)
- Garona was the assassin who murdered Varian's father by literally and figuratively stabbing him in the back, so involving an Assainate card/animation seems appropriate.

Hunter: Nathanos Blightcaller
- 8 Mana 3/5 Immune while attacking
- Battlecry: Summon two 2/2 Blighthounds with Charge
- Nathanos was the first Forsaken Hunter after Sylvannas. In Vanilla WoW, there was a raid quest to kill him and his Blighthounds in Eastern Plaguelands.

Mage: Rhonin Redhair
- 8 Mana 1/9 Spell Damage +2
- At the end of your turn, cast, at random, one Mage Spell.
- The spell would be augmented by the spell damage. Of course, a 6 damage Flamestrike would be ideal, or even a 12 damage Pyroblast, but because it's a random spell to a random target, you could get an naked Ice Lance or Arcane Intellect.

Warlock: Eye of Kilrogg
- 4 Mana 1/7
- Battlecry: Destroy all enemy Secrets. At the end of your turn, reveal all stealth minions.
- I just felt someone other than Hunters need a card that destroys Secrets. Also, while it's on the board, Stealth minions would be useless. He sees YOU!!

Paladin: The Naaru A'dal
- 7 Mana 2/5
- At the end of your turn, return the most recent minion killed to life with Divine Shield.
- A'dal would need a sweet death animation, because, really, you can't kill a Naaru.

Priest: Archbishop Benedictus
- 7 Mana 1/9
- When a friendly character is healed, your hero gains 2 Armor.
- The armor would look more like a Priest bubble than a Warrior's armor.

Shaman: Farseer Nobundo
- 6 Mana 2/6
- At the end of your turn, call a random element to aid you.
-- Fire: Deal 3 damage to the enemy hero.
-- Air: Give another random minion Windfury or Spell Damage +1.
-- Earth: Summon a 2/4 Earth Elemental with Taunt.
-- Water: Restore 2 health all friendly characters. (Yes, even Thrall)
- More randomness for Shaman might not be the best thing, but I love the flavor of this card. "Elements Guide Me"

Druid: Hamuul Runetotem
- 8 Mana 5/9
- Choose One: Deal 2 Damage to all enemy characters and Taunt; Spell Damage +1 Restore 5 Health to your hero.
- Card Art would be different just like Druid of the Claw. Tauren Bear form for the Taunt, or Tree of Life form for the Spell Damage.

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