Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Fortune Teller - New WoW Profession Idea

It's Tuesday Morning Boring Maintenance day and the realms are down until 1pm Pacific!! Seriously? I can't even imagine what those East Coasters are doing having to wait until 4pm to jump onto WoW. I, literally, can't find anything else to do so I might as well get my second post up. I know, it's been too long, but I don't think I have any subscribers yet anyway, so this is just a post from the past, it seems.

For this post, I wanted to introduce my idea for the next profession in WoW. As a pre-cursor, this idea will be directly tied to both Skinning and Transmogrification, so a small overhaul would be needed to these two aspects for my idea to come to fruition.

1) Skinning - There are many types of scales that drop while out skinning according to Wowpedia.org (http://wowpedia.org/Scale). In vanilla, I played a skinner/leatherworker and enjoyed the process of gathering a certain type of dragon scale. The gathering of scales at lower levels would need to be more uniform. Some examples might be skinning a level 7-12 raptor would yield you the lowest level Scale. Then at higher levels, skinning a crockalisk would grant the next higher level of Scale. This would mimic the different leather types.

2) Transmog - An update to Transmog would also be needed to accommodate the use of Outfits. Essentially, once a player completes their Transmogging, they would have an option of saving the changes as an outfit that could be either created as an item (Boooo less bag space), or saved in a separate menu; a la pets, mounts, etc.

Now, with those changes in place, here's my crazy, half-brained idea:

New Profession: The Replicant

Using the skill of Skinning, the Replicant will create vanity items to sell and trade. Cloth drops will help to create Cloth items, Leather for Leather, and Scales for Mail and eventually Plate. (I know scales don't make Plate armor, but it's for looks, remember?). Color palates could also be changed using Dyes sold by vendors in all major Horde and Alliance outposts.

After creating all armor pieces that fall into each player's slots, an outfit can be created and sold as a collection. An example could be the famous Green Mail Armor set. A Replicant could create all the pieces for this set (Helm, Shoulders, Chest, Gloves, Boots, etc.) and using the profession interface, create the Green Mail Outfit - a click-to-learn item that can be sold or traded.

The Green Mail Armor is a great example, but let's take it a step further. A lot like the patterns and plans that drop in dungeons for particular professions, the Replicant could also delve deep into the dungeons of Azeroth to learn new ways of creating cosmetic armor. Imagine farming Blackwing Lair for the pattern to create a Cosmetic Judgement set (Paladin Tier 2). Veteran players could be upset that they spent so much time farming the set the old fashioned way, but never fear Hardcores, casual, this process is not. Not only would the pattern need to drop, but the materials required could be placed inside the raid itself as well. So, Mr. Hardcore, it took you 4 months of weekly runs to farm the whole set? The Replicant may have gone those 4 months and still never received the pattern, or maybe got it on their first run; which will ALWAYS be the case. Damn casuals....

I joke, I'm a casual player myself. I barely have enough time to play during the week as it is. I just like to laugh at people who get upset because it's "not how it used to be." HA!! I laugh at how it used to be.  But, that is another blog. Thanks for reading.

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